Anna-Lena Gadermann

Online Marketer


"Just because something is new &
nothing you have ever done before
doesn't mean you can't do it,
you just have to learn it!"

Hello my beautiful people,

I’m Anna-Lena
the Founder of Real Digital Living,
a Pharmacist, Proud Cat Owner
and Online Entrepreneur.

I’m Anna-Lena the Founder of Real Digital Living, a Pharmacist,

Proud Cat Owner and Online Entrepreneur.

I’m Anna-Lena the Founder of Real Digital Living,
a Pharmacist,
Proud Cat Owner
and Online Entrepreneur.

I'm here to help you achieve the things you desire in life:

Maybe it's Time Freedom:

Are 40 hr+ work weeks familiar to you?
Can you start working when you want to?
And can you leave your workplace when you want to?
Have you been granted all the holidays you've applied for in the past?
And do you have enough annual leave available to go away for 2 or 3 times a year on a longer break?

… or for all the parents out there:
How annoying is your 9 to 5 job if you have to drop off and pick up your kids on the childcare's time schedule?
Not to mention when they get sick!

I think you get my point, right?

Maybe it’s Global freedom:

Who doesn’t like to travel and work from anywhere?

Skiing in Austria and a little bit of work on your lunch break or sunbathing at the beach in Spain, and working on your laptop with a nice ocean view? 

I, for example, like to visit my family overseas whenever I desire.
I mean, if I want a white Christmas, I will fly back home to Germany, and if I'd like a good tan, I usually stay in Australia. 

Maybe you want to Work With Purpose And Passion:

One of the things I’ve been taught throughout my journey is:
”Work with passion and you won't work a day in your life again!”

And that couldn’t be truer. I enjoy working now!

I pick and choose what I want to do and with whom.
If I don't like you or your business model, I will kindly thank you and tell you to go look somewhere else.
It’s that easy.

Maybe it's Financial Freedom:

How does a worry-free retirement sound to you? 

Or you are in a different phase of your life. Maybe you'd just like to have the money to support your kids and to build your dream house?

Or maybe you'd just like to have peace of mind and enjoy life on your own? 


Maybe it's Personal Growth:

Let me tell you. I thought I knew it all when I started out…
Boy, how wrong I was!

There is so much more than just you and your own bubble of thoughts. 

Perspectives can change.
Things can change.

Maybe it's Luxury:

Don't worry, that's not a bad thing to want in life.

Truth be told, I appreciate an easy going and more expensive lifestyle myself. 

So, my responsibility will be to guide you through every step of the way and try to make your experience as nice and easy as possible. 

So, here is where my bio is about to start.

Just a quick heads up: 

This is NOT one of the usual “about” pages you will find on most company websites.

Alright, shall we begin then!?

I was born and raised in a small city named Hünfeld, Germany. I grew up with one little brother and I’m honestly not even joking when I say about 10 male cousins.

Yep, I’m the only princess in this family and probably the one with the biggest personality for sure. I guess this is what happens if you are forced to arm wrestle and play soccer all day long instead of playing with babies and makeup. 

Anyways, after enjoying my teens in my beautiful hometown, and completing high school and the University of Health, I moved, at 19 years old, to Berlin to become a Pharmaceutical-Technician, which is known as a Pharmacist in most countries just with the difference of fewer responsibilities but similar tasks.

One of the reasons why I ended up studying pharmacy was because I had no clue what to do with my life, and my mom was always fascinated with this career.
So I thought : 'Hey, that sounds like a good choice to waste 5 years of my life!'

I was never a bad student really. But not a good one either. Somewhere between medium and medium-good was where my marks were at. University was hell, I will tell you that. Somehow, I managed to finish my degree quite satisfyingly, all whilst managing my ongoing hustle of sitting at uni for 8 hours, going to work after, studying during the night, and partying on the weekend..

Not a healthy lifestyle and nothing I'd recommend my friends! 

After I left my student life behind, I ended up working a 45 hr+ workweek.
And have you ever lived in a big city?

Traffic is horrible and public transport being ,like we say in Germany, “not the yellow of the egg”.

With 10 hrs+ a day at work dealing with ungrateful and unfriendly customers and 1hr travel time to work and back, I was only maybe able to get a gym session and food preparation in.
Underpaid and unfairly treated by my boss, I was over my new “passion” pretty quick.

Luckily, with some bad always comes good.

My co-workers made this entire ride still enjoyable, and they ended up being a big part of my life.
Still, here I was, in my twenties and completely unhappy and unsatisfied with my job.
Not knowing that there would be a different way.
Working hard and trading my time for money was everything that I knew. 

After endless denied holidays, missed birthday parties, and weddings and public holidays without my family, I was more than frustrated... I was angry and got more anxious by the minute.
I had FOMO! Big time!
Fear of missing out on my youth, missing out on valuable moments and memories with my family and friends, and of course, endless worries about money and an uncertain future.

Call it destiny or a sign of God, but just at the right moment without wasting too much time in the 9 to 5 working world, my partner at the time read a book.
The book was nothing shorter than the “Holy Grail”  for suckers like me at the time:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

Endless books followed, and my knowledge of a different world grew bigger and bigger.
Now I knew there was no way in hell that I would continue sitting my ass flat at work for 8 hr+ everyday.
But where should I begin?
The capital wasn’t there, and my credit worth wasn’t big enough to get thousands of dollars from the bank to invest in real estate.
Not to mention there was no mentor.
No one could tell me what's right and what's wrong. 

And even if I tried, I’m not a gambler, nor will I ever be.
I was willing to take risks.
Calculated risks.
But that was it.

So, where to begin?
Yes, that was still the million-dollar question. 

After winding my way through different income streams, I jumped from the idea of investing in real estate to stocks and finally ended up in the forex market and precious metals.
I always ended up with the same issues.
I had nowhere to go with my questions.
The mentor figure was still missing to give me the courage to take action and actually get some money in instead of just knowledge.

Even if I was still on my way to become an expert in the forex market and precious metals, the career path wasn’t the one where I could get rich quickly (if you know someone who did, that would be granted to poor money management).

While I was not bothered about putting in the work and being there for the long run, I needed money to survive.
So, I stayed at my job. (Don't get me wrong, to this day I still love pharmacy. I just don't like the workspace).

After my relationship reached an expiration date, I finally found the strength to take a risk.
In 2017
I quit my job and booked a ticket to Australia.
I said goodbye to family and friends for a year. 

While my English still sucked, I was still able to enjoy my time and worked at different backpacker jobs where I ended up meeting my current partner. 

Deciding that I wanted to stay in Sydney a bit longer than anticipated, I went through the entire visa process, the struggle of limited working rights, and the realization that my degree wouldn’t get accepted here in Australia. 

So here I was again, back to square one. Just this time with fewer legal qualifications in my pocket and without the status of a backpacker anymore.
I was just a girl in her mid-twenties working for minimum wage.

How life can piss you off sometimes.. 

Working in the construction field, I was listening to podcasts during my shifts and stumbled across online marketing. There it was again: Hope!

Going through the online webinars which are presented to you, I met Stuart, one of the many mentors I met on my journey. And it didn’t take me long to realize that I was all in!
There was no going back for me anymore.
I knew better. 

Fast forward a couple of months. 

I'm here now.
I made it.
I’m on my way to the other side.
The side where the grass is greener.
Writing my ‘About me’ page at the right moment, building my website from scratch, starting marketing on different types of platforms, and selling products on Amazon.

I’m grateful for the ride I went on to become an online entrepreneur.
I can now truly say from the bottom of my heart this was the best decision I have ever made!
I’m well into becoming the best version of myself. For me and for others! 

I’m happy.
I’m purposeful.
I have a passion for what I’m doing. 

Life is good.


And I want the same for you too!

The decision is yours

Only you can do it -  nobody will do it for you!

Opportunities are everywhere. Sometimes we just can’t see them.

So, Open your eyes!